[4 Working Methods] How to Remove Oil Stains From Your Driveway or Garage

Automotive By Alice / March, 07, 2025

If you are working as a professional in your garage oil stains can be very common on the floor. Being a professional, you’ll always want to work in a place that is clean and tidy to work with. However, if you have tried out multiple ways to remove these stains, and they are not working, you need a proper idea to help you out with it. Here is a complete guide on How to Remove Oil Stains from Your Driveway or Garage which you can follow to get the best deals.

4 DIY Methods To Clean Oil Stains

1. Cola or Soda

Many people may not know the benefits of soda or even cola while cleaning stains. This is great to use if the stains are not much spread and you are just using it for a single time. It’s because the cost of buying cola and using it to remove the stains can be too much for you. The chemical properties of soda or cola are built to give you proper results while removing stains from any surface. 

  • What you need to do is to apply the soda directly to the stain. 
  • You need to leave the cola and allow it to be as in position overnight. 
  • Make sure that the coke is in place for at least 8 hours. 
  • The carbonic acid present will always help you to remove the oil stains every time. 
  • Once you are done, you can easily rinse away the soda with water.

2. Detergent

Another amazing and useful product is detergent. Just like we use the detergent to remove the stains from clothes, they will help you to remove the oil stains as well. Coming to the properties of the detergent, they are prepared to lower the surface tension of water. This practice helps the detergent to combine with oil. So once it gets mixed with oil, you can easily clean it. 

  • For this, you need to make a paste with the help of laundry detergent. 
  • Now you need to apply the paste on the entire oil stain that is present on the floor. 
  • Once done, you need to use a small portion of water to combine the paste. 
  • Let the paste be ready for 15-20 minutes and then you can start to scrub it. 
  • The oil will get removed as you gradually keep scrubbing the paste.

3. Dish Soap

Using Dish Soap can be another fast and effective remedy that you can use to remove the oil stains. We all know that oil and water do not mix well. But the Dish Soap has some properties which can help you to get away out of it. Dish Soap is easily available at any home and it is also very inexpensive at any time. 

  • For this, what you need to do is to spread the Dish Soap on the oil stain. 
  • Just applying over it will not help you to remove the stains on the go. 
  • You need to keep on scrubbing it to remove the oil stain. Once done, you need to rinse it with water to get the best results. 

The properties of Dish Soap help to combine with the oil and then lift it away from the surface.

4. Degreaser

Using a proper Degreaser for your needs will help you to get the best results that you are looking for. The engine Degreaser is a specifically combined liquid that helps to remove the stains in no time at all. 

If you have a high budget to clean the oil stains, using an engine degreaser can be a great option for you. It is another less toxic method which helps you to remove the stains. 

However, if you apply the degreaser to the whole stain, it will certainly be expensive but very helpful. Simply apply the degreaser and let it sit for a few times. This will help you to get proper results and in a less toxic method.

Removing oil stains from your garage floor is easier than you think and helps prolong the life of your floor. This helpful tutorial walks you through different ways to clean that floor with simple household materials. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 30 Minutes Here’s How: Cat Litter: Sprinkle cat litter on the stain and crush and grind it into the oil stain with your shoe.

How do you remove oil stains from garage concrete floor? | Yahoo Answers

Removing oil stains from your garage floor is easier than you think and helps prolong the life of your floor. This helpful tutorial walks you through different ways to clean that floor with simple household materials. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 30 Minutes Here’s How: Cat Litter: Sprinkle cat litter on the stain and crush and grind it into the oil stain with your shoe.


Removing the stains is never a difficult job in hand for you if you wish to get the proper results. You need to follow a few steps with proper precautions to remove the oil stains. This guide on Remove Oil Stains from Your Driveway or Garage will surely help you to find the results that you are looking to have. However, if you are not being able to successfully remove the stains, you can easily ask for help from a professional to remove the stains.




Removing the stains is never a difficult job in hand for you if you wish to get the proper results. You need to follow a few steps with proper precautions to remove the oil stains. This guide on Remove Oil Stains from Your Driveway or Garage will surely help you to find the results that you are looking to have. However, if you are not being able to successfully remove the stains, you can easily ask for help from a professional to remove the stains.

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