5 Simple Tricks To Refresh Your Car’s Appearance

Automotive By Charlie / March, 26, 2025

Cars age rather quickly, especially if you don’t maintain them. Before you know it, your brand new car will appear old and boring. This is the point when many car owners opt to trade in or sell their cars, often for scraps. But you don’t necessarily have to take that route. We have five simple tricks for you that will refresh your car’s appearance. Getting you excited to take your once prized possession out again. 

Pull the trigger on outstanding repairs

We’ve all been there, ignoring simple problems until they build up and become a mess. Don’t let little fixes turn into something big when it comes to cars. Fix them right away because they will likely turn into an eyesore. 

Waiting around to repair windshield scratches will result in them turning into cracks. Minor paint chips will eventually expand. It’s time you treat such fixes because they directly impact the appearance of your car. There are tons of little fixes you can do from replacing the hood ornament of the car to windshield repair. Take time to evaluate the work your car needs and the cost associated with it. You don’t have to spend too much, just get the minor work done and you will immediately see a noticeable change in your car’s appearance. 

Replace the beaten tires

The tires take a beating while on the road. No matter how careful you drive, years on the road will wear down the car’s wheels. As it wears down, so do the rims and the overall appearance of your car. 

You can take whatever measures you want, the tires will look old and boring. Taking time to clean them will freshen them but after five or more years, even that won’t work. The only option you have then is to replace them. Aftermarket wheels give your car a custom touch and will improve its drive. It will feel like you are driving a new car altogether, especially if you opt for one of the higher-end tire manufacturers

Treat dents and scratches

Nothing ruins the outlook of a car more than dents and scratches. They change a car’s appearance and that too for the worse. Both can result in the paint chipping off from the car. 

For minor scratches, you can apply scratch removers to treat them. The remover works on scratches that haven’t penetrated the first layer of paint on the car. If it goes deeper, then the remover is useless. For deeper scratches, you would need to seek professional help. 

The same is the case with dent removal kits, they only work for minor dents. Major dents should only be fixed by experts at an auto body shop. 

Change the worn out seat covers and floor mats

The interior is as important as the exterior to the appearance of the car. But replacing the seats can be expensive. The quick fix for that is to get seat covers for worn-out seats. The covers will hide the deteriorating upholstery and make it seem like you have new seats. 

Similarly, dirty and torn floor mats should also be replaced. They make your car appear untidy and no matter how much you clean them, torn floor mats will look appealing. 

Get your car detailed

Source: Pixabay

Car detailing is like a time machine that takes your car back in time, close to its original state. It is far more effective than a car wash. The process involves a deep cleaning of your car. All the exterior parts are properly cleaned, including the body, wheels, and head and tail lights. When it comes to the interior, the floor, seats, and mats are vacuumed and washed. Every nook and cranny of the car is cleaned. To top it off paint protectant is applied to the exterior and dashboard protectant inside. 

The whole process takes a few hours and can seem costly, but it is worth it. Once you see your car after its been detailed, you will surely fall in love with it again. 

Final thought

There are tons of simple things you can do to freshen your car. If you are bored of the car you once loved, be sure to get it detailed, make the small fixes, and replace the tires. These changes will not only improve the car’s appearance but also its performance. 

Tarek Salam is a Canadian auto glass repair technician with over a decade of experience repairing automotive glass for all makes and models of vehicles in Canada. He loves sharing interesting and useful information with the intention of educating and helping people make better automotive decisions.